my freshman dorm room (12/19/2020) North shore (12/18/2020) Eggs’n things in hawaii (11/27/2020) Kaka’ako’s wall art (11/26/2020) Kakaako’s wall art (11/26/2020) no one at Waikiki beach (11/15/2020) voted from hawaii (11/03/2020) 11/01/2020 first morning in hawaii (08/18/2020) chem lab w/ friends (10/15/2020) No one at Ala moana beach park (09/07/2020) 09/10/2020 09/17/2020 the double rainbow from my campus (09/23/2020) the view from dorm (11/20/2020) sunset poke time (12/06/2020) smoothie stuff (11/15/2020) the night working on bio lab hw (09/29/2020) Jamba 🙂 (09/25/2020) The first morning in hawaii (08/18/2020) first sunset in hawaii (08/18/2020) 08/24/2020 the first rainbow in hawaii (08/27/2020) no one at my fav a little street (11/15/2020) 10/11/2021
08.2020 ~ 12.2020
